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电话: 024-86529999-1210
姓名: 梁梁

  Ginde Authorized and approved by China Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce, Ginde Plastic Pipe Industry Group (GPPIG) established its foundation as a large-scale enterprise group in 1999. So far, 9 main industry bases equipped with advanced Germany production lines have been set up in cities of Shenyang, Zhuzhou, Jinhua, Baoji and Quzhou, etc. GPPIG spares no efforts to extend its overseas marketing network by providing clients high quality products and responsible services, which wo

主要产品/业务: pap pipe and fitting;ppr pipe and fitting;pe pipe and fitting;pvc pipe and fitting;papr pipe and fitting

金德管业集团 / 辽宁 / 沈阳市于洪区黄河北大街237-68号 (110034) / 电话:024-86529999-1210


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